Wednesday, July 29, 2009

We're Back!

Well, I'm embarassed to say, that the delay in my blogging, is due to the fact that I did not know how to download pictures from my camera to my computer! Who would want to look at a blog without pictures right? So, I'm happy to report that I believe I have mastered the fine skill of transferring pictures from the camera to the computer (what a genius), thanks to the tutelage of my hubby! Thank you dear!

Almost every day I have thought about what I would blog about, if I only had my pictures on the computer. So, maybe at some point I will go back and do "highlights" from June and July. But, for now, we will just start with today!

Our summer days are fairly predictable around here! We just eat up and enjoy every second of the sun we can get, knowing that we will be plowing through 3 feet of snow in no time at all :(. Palmer spends most days with our sweet little neighbor girls, who we refer to as "the girls", and I adore them. We are blessed to have such wonderful neighbors! They spend the day riding bikes, setting up lemonade stands, playing in the water, running in and out of both houses, and having all kinds of fun! Many evenings we have "movie night" and the kids often times wind down the day by watching a movie at one of our houses. Tonight we realized that we've pretty much watched every G/PG movie ever made, so we headed off to our local, "small town USA" movie theatre to see G-Force!

What I can honestly say about G-Force, is that once will definataly do it for me! All in all, I think everyone had a good time!

Blessings -


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