Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Nashville, Here we come!!!

Well, it's 11:30 p.m., and of course I can't fall asleep. I always have a hard time sleeping the night before we travel. You know that feeling of, "oh my goodness, I have to go to sleep, we have to get up in 6 hours"....and it slowly dwindles down to 5, 4, 3 etc. as you lay there watching the clock!
Hopefully, I have remembered everything. I guess as long as I have the epi-pens, oral steroids, benadryl, inhalors, diapers, wipes, and some food for Palmer (that he's not allergic to) then we can always get anything else I have may have forgotten once we get there.
We are headed down to Nashvegas for Mere's (Randy's sister) baby shower. She is due the beginning of July, and expecting a baby boy! Once the shower is over, I plan on hitting all my favorite little stores -- you know...where they sell cute things that we can't get in Michigan :) Hopefully, it will be a restful and relaxing week!
Happy almost June to everyone!

1 comment:

  1. first of all, your blog is so stinkin cute!!! you must help me!! and i love the pics of the kids,,,just need more. One more week and you will be an aunt for the 4th time,,,weird. Love you so much,,,kiss the babies for me:)
