Friday, January 21, 2011

Isn't She Lovely, Isn't She Wonderful.....

Imagine walking into Tiffany & Co. on 5th Ave & 57th St. in the heart of NYC, strolling around and taking in all the beauty and "fabulousness" that surrounds you! Then, as if that wouldn't be breathtaking enough, imagine that the founder approaches you and offers you his most rare and precious diamond! GASP!
Being a therapist, I'm big into word pictures - HA!
However...that my friends, is what it is like to be friends with the BEAUTIFUL DALAINA!!!
She is that rare and precious gem, that radiates with beauty and love! So glad that her "founder" (and mine) allowed our paths to cross!
This weekend, we are going to celebrate her B-day (which was actually Jan. 13), and about that I AM SO HAPPY!!!
So....HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my "DIAMOND" Dalaina! You really do light up this world girlfriend!
Many blessings to you!