Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Somebody call 911...

And no, I'm not talking about Sean Kingstons latest hit!

This morning, as I'm drying my hair, I hear some coughing, so I walk into the living room and can tell immediately that there is a problem. The major clue being the unscrewed bottle of B & B' s newest fragrance "Dark Kiss" opened up on the table and the look of disgust on LH's face.

I immediately call 911, and they connect me to Poison Control.

Me: Yes, my 3 year old just drank body splash!

PC: How much?

Me: I don't know. I was drying my hair, but it looks like about 1/4 of an inch - ???

PC: Is she coughing, gagging?

Me: Well, not to bad. I mean, she's coughing a little bit - ?
Seriously, how do you answer those questions? (What i really want to say is, "Listen, is my kid going to die? Why are you talking so calmly?" Something along those lines.)

PC: Well, the main ingredient is alcohol, but it doesn't sound like she had enough to cause any real concern.

Eventually, the sweet lady, Helen, at poison control decided that she thought LH was going to make it, and that we could just carry on with our day as planned. Whew!

So, yep, the little diva drank body splash from Bath and Body Works! Nice.

Somehow, she has developed this little fettish for smelly things....where she ever could have devleloped that characteristic, I'll never know :).

Anyway, she just adores going to stores such as B & B Works, Yankee Candle etc. So, the other day, I needed some hand soap, so we ventured to B & B, and of course she was immediately in sniffing heaven! She seriously walks around pressing her nose/face into each and every single fragrance. The girls in the store thought it was so cute, that at the check out they gave her her own little bag of goodies. Not that we would have dared to leave the store w/o a little smelly treat, pray tell! So, needless to say, she has not let go of her prized little treat bag since we left the store (including sleepy time)! I guess she liked the smell so much, she decided she might as well take a swig! Oh the joy of parenting! I'm assuming that we have a lesson learned!

So, I guess the worse case scenario, is that I might have a "loopy" little toddler on my hands today! HA!

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