I can't believe you are 8 years old! It is so true that time really does fly.
You are such a happy, joyful, funny, tender hearted little boy, P. You are one of those people who truly loves life. You have fun no matter what your doing, and if the situation calls for it, you will absolutely turn lemons into lemonade.
What you are doing/liking at 8:
You love to play ALL sports, but mostly basketball, football and baseball.
You have played all 3 of those sports this year on a team. Your baseball/little league team, the "Brewers", went undefeated this summer. To you/us it was BIG TIME!
I loved when you guys (your team) would go to the Frosty Boy after one of your games, and all of you would stand near the road and get cars to honk for you! Living in Small Town USA sure is fun!
This was your first year to play football in a league. You played for the "Patriots" and you loved it!
You are currently playing basketball at the Y for the third year in a row. You are so serious before the games. Each Saturday, as we are driving to your game, you ask us to put on radio Disney, so that you can get "pumped up"
You love to run down the court, and shoot it! You are a pretty good little shooter for your age! We are working on passing and sharing, and you are a good sport about it.
So far, you don't seem to have any big struugles in school. You seem to do well in math. We do have to encourage you to do your reading. You are loving history.
The other night, as you said your prayers, you referred to a story that Mrs. Nabring was reading to the class about a tribe of Indians that were being killed. You said in your prayer, and I quote..."Lord, I know you already know what is going to happen, but if there's any way that the whole tribe doesn't have to die, that would be good" - HA!
Like I said...so tenderhearted :)
*You really wanted a part in the christmas play at school this year, and you are a "Manger Boy". We so happy that worked out for you, and we can't wait to see you perform in your "Boy Band" , as you call it.
Your best friends at school are: Lake, Daniel, Carson, Mason...or what I should probably say, is that these names are staples in our home.
We switched church homes this year, and you are making some new friends there as well. You have loved getting to know Ben & Evan, and they have been so welcoming to you.
And...of course, I would be remiss not to mention "the girls" (our neighbors) Lauren, Megan & Alexa. You guys play from dawn till dusk every day of the summer, and all the days in between (that you can). They have become like sisters to you, and you/we are so blessed to have such great neighbors...we are happy to call them friends.
Your favorite food this year has been spaghetti. I think you would truly eat it every night, if I would make it.
You love strawberries
You do a great job at eating broccolli
You of course enjoy your cherrybrook products
And of course...your plain chips and oreos (of all the things you can eat w/ all your allergies...go figure)
Bless your heart, you do so well with all of your food allergies.
* Other highlights this year would include:
-Trip to Disney in the Spring. We had a great time. The first place you wanted to visit was the "Hall of Presidents"
You also loved Tom Sawyer Island and Swiss Family Robinson Tree House (we watched that movie right before our trip, so you thought it was super cool)
-Florida trip this summer...you, LH, mommy, daddy, Nana & Peej all drove down to help set up the new condo. It was a long drive, but you were a trooper and never complained, as usual :) Once we got there, we ended up having to stay in 3 hotels before all the furniture arrived at the condo. It took much longer than expected, but we had a blast! Several of the chefs at the different hotels cooked for you, and it was so exciting since you rarely get to eat at a restaurant!
You LOVED swimming, and you got to swim everyday of the trip. You were just like a little fish. You were so excited when Peej took you to Best Buy and suprised you with picking out a PS3, and a tv for the kids room. By the way, this is not the norm pal!
There are a lot of fun memories of this trip...riding the Surrey around the Boardwalk -oh my!Hopefully it will be well documented in your scrapbook.
-Another highlight of this year would include going on your first road trip w/ Coach and the "Warriors" all by yourself. You traveled to Kent State.
The next week, you and daddy traveled with the team down to Ohio, and you were able to witness Coach winning his 700th game :)
-You also were blessed with 4 new cousins this year: Julia, Halle, Jackson & Will!
When we get in the car each day to go pick you up from school, she is so excited. She almost always says "Mommy, are we going to get my bubby?"
You are one icredibley special kid!
One thing Coach would always tell mommy when I was growing up was that the most important thing to him was that I would be in heaven one day. As your parents, daddy and I wish the same thing for you. It DOES NOT MATTER to us what you drive, where you live, what kind of clothes you wear, what your profession is etc. Those things will matter to the world. What matters to us the most is that you will always LOVE JESUS and be in relationship with him. We don't expect you to be perfect, no one is. It is inevitable that you will have struggles in life, but in those times of struggle, our prayer for you is that you will be able to keep your eyes fixed on Jesus, no matter what road you may be walking. Turn to him when life is painful, and turn to him in times of joy.
As you will come to understand, you are not being raised by perfect parents. We have many flaws, and we are not a perfect family. What we hope to impart, is that we love Jesus and we are committed to that!
We love you NO MATTER WHAT! We don't /won't love you anymore if you are "a star basketball/baseball/football player", and we won't love you any less if you "sit the bench". We love you because you are ours, and you are special. Always know we are here to listen, guide and love.
This is you and LH on the morning of your 8th Birthday!
Hope it's a great year!
One thing Coach would always tell mommy when I was growing up was that the most important thing to him was that I would be in heaven one day. As your parents, daddy and I wish the same thing for you. It DOES NOT MATTER to us what you drive, where you live, what kind of clothes you wear, what your profession is etc. Those things will matter to the world. What matters to us the most is that you will always LOVE JESUS and be in relationship with him. We don't expect you to be perfect, no one is. It is inevitable that you will have struggles in life, but in those times of struggle, our prayer for you is that you will be able to keep your eyes fixed on Jesus, no matter what road you may be walking. Turn to him when life is painful, and turn to him in times of joy.
As you will come to understand, you are not being raised by perfect parents. We have many flaws, and we are not a perfect family. What we hope to impart, is that we love Jesus and we are committed to that!
We love you NO MATTER WHAT! We don't /won't love you anymore if you are "a star basketball/baseball/football player", and we won't love you any less if you "sit the bench". We love you because you are ours, and you are special. Always know we are here to listen, guide and love.
Hope it's a great year!
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